Monday, March 7, 2011

No news is...good news?

Week's Weight: 193

I know, right? The same? Really? I did take this body to they gym with me, not my spare? I mean, come on..

These thoughts plagued me this morning after weighing. But then I realized these things:

I only worked out once last week due to under the weatherness and conflicting schedules. I didn't religiously do my ab moves everyday like I was supposed to. I probably could have eaten less. Aunt Flo is visiting and she has never been nice to my weight.

Then I realized that I also needed to celebrate my successes last week:

I went to the gym and worked out!! Do you even know how long it's been since I've done that regularly?

There was fudge in our house for three days and I didn't have any. (okay...I asked once, but Caleb said "no" like a good accountability husband)

There were Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints) in the freezer for several days and I didn't have any. ( I begged for these...but it's the end result that counts right?)

I cooked twice, both healthy meals with lots of veggies. I got lots of rest this last weekend, and was actually happy to go to work today.

I would say we have a net gain of awesomeness!!!

Every day it gets a little easier and a little harder all at the same time.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We have a Starting Weight

Drum Roll please....

Starting Weight: 193


So, I'm not really surprised, just disappointed. How did it get that high? I would think that at some point around 160 I would have said, "Hold on. We have to turn this around." But, no, I've waited until I have 63 pounds to lose. 63!!! My dogs combined don't even weigh that much.

My goal is to lose 1-2 pounds a week. So, next year, I'm gonna look great! It's depressing that it will take that long to lose all of this fluff, but I didn't do it to myself overnight.

I'm pretty sure that the turning point to humongo was the birthday cake.
So, while we were still living in Chicago, Caleb decides that he's CRAVING birthday cake. Me, being totally unawares of the thunderousness of my thighs, thinks, "mmm...birthday cake." So, off we go to Dominick's. Perusing the bakery, we have many options. I see a round cake, maybe 6 inches in diameter, four inches high and say, "How about this one?" Caleb, ravenous for carbs topped with sweeter, denser carbs, says, "I want that one." And we leave with a cake large enough to feed 20 people and still have left-overs. I'm talking about a 18" by 12" sheet cake.
We ate it all.

So, no wonder really. I'll never look at birthday cake the same. And - Caleb fessed up that we should have gotten the smaller cake. But, I can't undo the damage done to my waistline by that awesome platter of a dessert.

Today I toast to a lower number next week and the knowledge that Caleb won't be craving birthday cake again for a very long time!

Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Abs of Steele-ish

So, still haven't started Weight Watchers. Not for lack of motivation, but because money doesn't grow on trees.

I mentioned this to a friend and she started talking about how Weight Watchers is good because it shows you what and how to eat and holds you accountable to your goal. And then she said that I didn't need Weight Watchers - I needed her.

She's a professional dancer, about as big around as one of my thighs, and a vegetarian.

Thus the plan. We work out three times a week and she coaches me about food.

Thursday, she came over to my place and we walked to our apartment complex's workout room.

After ten minutes on the elliptical warming up, the torture began. We decided to work on our core. I started out strong, but ended up not being able to complete the second set. I have a mental image of myself as a caterpillar flung on its back, wriggling desperately to get back up but eventually dying because I couldn't.
When we got back to the apartment she went through the fridge and pantry pointing at food and saying "no. no. no." I can no longer imbibe the occasionally Diet Dr. Pepper. No more fast food (my go-to quick fix for hunger with no motivation to cook). No more sweets. No more chips. No more mayo. I have to go fresh or go home! I can, however, have a Jimmy John's turkey sandwich, as long as I nix the mayo for avocado.

The next day I could barely get out of bed and today my abs are still burning. I just hope they are taking down the fat they are currently encased in.

Yesterday, I went over to my friend's condo and we talked food. She gave me some easy things to cook en mass and then freeze individual portions. She also said that I should do ab work and stretch everyday. I have yet to do ab work today. I'm dreading the inevitable pain.

Today we went to Rudy's (barbecue). I had 1/4 pound of super lean brisket, a half cup of new potatoes, and two table spoons of sauce. Not bad, eh?

Now, we have to tackle grocery shopping.

Monday morning at 8:30 I'll be in the gym working my upper body.

Still haven't weighed myself, but that's first on the to-do list for tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Confession Time!

I have something that I need to get off of my chest.

Saturday night - I cut off my cast.

I know, I know.... Trust me, between my husband and my co-workers I've heard all of the reasons why that was completely stupid.

So, like a responsible adult (versus the three year old I turned into on Saturday night, hacking away at my cast with pruning shears), I made an appointment to see my Orthopedic Doctor today.

My dearest husband was convinced they would put me in another cast and repremanded me on the way to the doctor with threats of bone death if I didn't accept the fact that a cast was for healing, not torturous, purposes.

When we went in I confessed to the casting nurse my sins and like an angel from heaven she said that we should be optimistic he wouldn't put another cast on.

After some x-rays, reviewing the x-rays, and bending and mashing, the doctor laid down the final verdict:


I don't even need physical therapy!!!!

So, despite it being a completely stupid idea - cutting off my cast saved me two more weeks of arm imprisonment. BOOOOYEAH!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to call my mom and tell her......

Stay tuned

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life....

Actually tomorrow is the first day of Weight Watchers!

My meeting is at 7 p.m. As I understand, they will weigh me, give me a bunch of materials, and - in the way of an AA meeting - openly confess my addiction sins while others affirm me that healing is possible. Yes, I have a food addiction. I must eat several times a day or I become very cranky. Don't mess with me when I'm hangry. (hungry + angry = hangry)

I'm excited. I've actually been eating better anyway. I've found that I can easily buy salad fixings at Wal-Mart: bag of lettuce, grape tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, sliced carrots, etc. I'm more likely to eat it if it's easy to do. Gormet chef I am not.

By the way - I didn't move to Texas for 18 degree weather. So let's fix that, okay? okay!

Stay tuned....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

11 more days of...bleh

So I didn't get my cast off on Monday. I thought about throwing a royal hissy fit a la a spoiled three-year-old, but decided to try to be an adult and not run out of the door after they cut off the last cast screaming "FREEEEEEDOM!"

I have accepted the fact that I will be in the cast for another month, until Feb. 17th at 1 p.m. to be exact. I'm not ahem...counting down or anything....

Besides that - nothing new to report. I had a nice salad for lunch. But I picked up McDonald's on the way home for dinner. They cancel each other out right? Right?

Stay tuned....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

T Minus 16 Days

Here I sit - 16 days away from starting Weight Watchers. I want cake.

The last month has been the craziest of my whole entire life. It all started with ice skating...
I decided that before we left Chicago, I wanted to go ice skating. The date was set, the friends were invited and the day finally came!
And I fell and broke my stupid wrist.

This would't be so bad except for the fact that we were moving across the country in 4 days. Luckily we have beautiful friends who helped us finish packing and helped my poor husband load the truck.

Side note: I don't recommend driving for two days straight after you've broken your wrist. And please don't tell my doctor I did that.

So, thanks to my beautiful family and more beautiful friends, we got everything into the apartment and mostly set up.

Other than that I just hate this cast beyond everything that has ever existed in the universe and I am considering letting the dog chew it off.

All of this to say - working out it generally out of the picture until I heal - which could be Monday or it could be 6 months from now. (If you're ever bored, just look up how long it takes for a scaphoid navicular to heal when it it broken...fascinating reading)

Success!!! We went grocery shopping last night and I bought salad, tomatoes, and vinagrette dressing. I'm preparing myself.

16 days until the official starting weight...stay tuned

The Beginning

Hello all...
I've decided to create a blog to journal my adventure in weight loss.

All of the articles/books I've read say that you need to write down everything you eat. But - I've decided that the problem is not with food - initially anyway. My problem is with my attitude/feelings/self-image/everything Jillian Michaels tells people on The Biggest Loser.

While I will probably end up writing down everything that passes my lips - this is a good place to start.

Let's begin at the beginning - a very good place to start... (get it? anyone?)

I was born. Just kidding.... Okay - so I was a chubby kid. I wasn't a fat kid. I just wasn't all elbows and knees like most of the other girls my age. I had baby fat. I hung on to it until 8TH GRADE. Seriously. But first-there was fifth grade. Hell on earth. First, I'm started to get interested in boys, mostly boys in my class because they were the ones that I interacted with on a regular basis. But there was a problem - these boys were 11 and 12 years old. As far as my expectations for maturity, they were so far below the bar that pole vaulting wouldn't even get them halfway to the goal. And, as fate would have it, acne struck early. So - most interactions with the opposite sex went as follows:

"Hi Josh"
"Why don't you go back to zit-ville?"

Short - Simple-Scarring

Then there was this taunt:


Always good  to hear yourself being compared to bovine - really does wonders for the ol self-esteem.

But, things change, as they always do.

Eighth grade baby!!! Lost the baby fat - lost the braces - started wearing makeup. BAM!!! Hello boys! Luckily - I was sane enough not to date any of those pubescent name-calling morons. I set my sights higher - toward the bright and shining beacon of high school.

High School was awesome - with a few bumps.

I got down to 115 my freshman year - due to an emotionally abusive relationship - stupid boys. Sophmore year - I balloned to 140 trying to recover from aforementioned relationship.

Junior year was glorious - I started eating better and exercising. I healthily got down to 117 pounds. I then evened out the next couple years at a "happy" weight of 125.

Then I went to college. I didn't gain the freshman 15. I just steadily gained until graduation. Then, I steadily gained through marriage, a master's degree, and a year of teaching.

The death-blow to my health was a move to Chicago last year. 1 year - 20 pounds and now NONE of my clothes fit. I look in the mirror and don't even recognize that person. And then I get mad at myself and go and eat some more. Pizza when I'm sad. Chinese when I'm in a celebratory mood. There seems to be no middle ground.

My current job has me sitting at a desk 9-10 hours a day, commuting home and picking up handy-dandy McDonald's on the way home because I have no time to cook. Well - I tell myself I have no time to cook.

So....after a move to Austin (closer to home and all the support I could possibly want) - I've decided to give Weight Watchers a try. Obviously I'm not doing it on my own - so I need the support. I will be starting in February.

I will here share all of my triumphs and failures, goals and me...even my weight.

Stay tuned...