Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life....

Actually tomorrow is the first day of Weight Watchers!

My meeting is at 7 p.m. As I understand, they will weigh me, give me a bunch of materials, and - in the way of an AA meeting - openly confess my addiction sins while others affirm me that healing is possible. Yes, I have a food addiction. I must eat several times a day or I become very cranky. Don't mess with me when I'm hangry. (hungry + angry = hangry)

I'm excited. I've actually been eating better anyway. I've found that I can easily buy salad fixings at Wal-Mart: bag of lettuce, grape tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, sliced carrots, etc. I'm more likely to eat it if it's easy to do. Gormet chef I am not.

By the way - I didn't move to Texas for 18 degree weather. So let's fix that, okay? okay!

Stay tuned....


  1. Good luck Erin! I'm cheering for you!

  2. Hangry is a word you you won't fully understand until you are pregnant and/or nursing. Trust me! I'm glad you are feel optimistic, I think weight watchers would be cool.

  3. How's the Weight Watchers going? I think Brandon and I are going tonight to a meeting!
