Saturday, January 15, 2011

T Minus 16 Days

Here I sit - 16 days away from starting Weight Watchers. I want cake.

The last month has been the craziest of my whole entire life. It all started with ice skating...
I decided that before we left Chicago, I wanted to go ice skating. The date was set, the friends were invited and the day finally came!
And I fell and broke my stupid wrist.

This would't be so bad except for the fact that we were moving across the country in 4 days. Luckily we have beautiful friends who helped us finish packing and helped my poor husband load the truck.

Side note: I don't recommend driving for two days straight after you've broken your wrist. And please don't tell my doctor I did that.

So, thanks to my beautiful family and more beautiful friends, we got everything into the apartment and mostly set up.

Other than that I just hate this cast beyond everything that has ever existed in the universe and I am considering letting the dog chew it off.

All of this to say - working out it generally out of the picture until I heal - which could be Monday or it could be 6 months from now. (If you're ever bored, just look up how long it takes for a scaphoid navicular to heal when it it broken...fascinating reading)

Success!!! We went grocery shopping last night and I bought salad, tomatoes, and vinagrette dressing. I'm preparing myself.

16 days until the official starting weight...stay tuned


  1. Good Luck, you'll do great! If you want to get into running, Austin is a great running city! They have lots of free groups with all different levels.

    Evan is running the half-marathon in Austin in February, so maybe we can see you guys!

  2. You're going to do great, Erin. I read this article the other day, found it insightful, and thought I'd pass it on to you. Hope you find it helpful!
