Monday, March 7, 2011

No news is...good news?

Week's Weight: 193

I know, right? The same? Really? I did take this body to they gym with me, not my spare? I mean, come on..

These thoughts plagued me this morning after weighing. But then I realized these things:

I only worked out once last week due to under the weatherness and conflicting schedules. I didn't religiously do my ab moves everyday like I was supposed to. I probably could have eaten less. Aunt Flo is visiting and she has never been nice to my weight.

Then I realized that I also needed to celebrate my successes last week:

I went to the gym and worked out!! Do you even know how long it's been since I've done that regularly?

There was fudge in our house for three days and I didn't have any. (okay...I asked once, but Caleb said "no" like a good accountability husband)

There were Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints) in the freezer for several days and I didn't have any. ( I begged for these...but it's the end result that counts right?)

I cooked twice, both healthy meals with lots of veggies. I got lots of rest this last weekend, and was actually happy to go to work today.

I would say we have a net gain of awesomeness!!!

Every day it gets a little easier and a little harder all at the same time.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We have a Starting Weight

Drum Roll please....

Starting Weight: 193


So, I'm not really surprised, just disappointed. How did it get that high? I would think that at some point around 160 I would have said, "Hold on. We have to turn this around." But, no, I've waited until I have 63 pounds to lose. 63!!! My dogs combined don't even weigh that much.

My goal is to lose 1-2 pounds a week. So, next year, I'm gonna look great! It's depressing that it will take that long to lose all of this fluff, but I didn't do it to myself overnight.

I'm pretty sure that the turning point to humongo was the birthday cake.
So, while we were still living in Chicago, Caleb decides that he's CRAVING birthday cake. Me, being totally unawares of the thunderousness of my thighs, thinks, "mmm...birthday cake." So, off we go to Dominick's. Perusing the bakery, we have many options. I see a round cake, maybe 6 inches in diameter, four inches high and say, "How about this one?" Caleb, ravenous for carbs topped with sweeter, denser carbs, says, "I want that one." And we leave with a cake large enough to feed 20 people and still have left-overs. I'm talking about a 18" by 12" sheet cake.
We ate it all.

So, no wonder really. I'll never look at birthday cake the same. And - Caleb fessed up that we should have gotten the smaller cake. But, I can't undo the damage done to my waistline by that awesome platter of a dessert.

Today I toast to a lower number next week and the knowledge that Caleb won't be craving birthday cake again for a very long time!

Stay tuned...